Electronic Locking Solutions

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PT. ERIMA AKSES MANDIRI is supplying and supporting Intelegent Locking Systems for Hospital, Campus, Hotel, Residences, Apartment and Offices in Indonesia. Since 2005 PT. Erima Akses Mandiri has become the Sole Distributor for SALTO SYSTEM in Indonesia

SALTO SYSTEMS is a state of the art electronic lock system, featuring distributed intelligence both in the lock and in the key. The power of the SALTO Virtual Network (SVN) and the wireless network system allows people to work wire free enabling them to manage their key control requirements efficiently, flexible and cost effectively.

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Our Partner

We have partnered with Eagle Eye Networks to deliver a cloud based VideoSurveillance Solution that gives our customers the best security, features, and capabilities. Ourcustomers can view their video from mobile devices (android and IOS) and monitor their facilities fromanywhere in the world. The Eagle EyeCloud Video Management System (VMS) provides the highest level of cyber security and reliability.The cloud based solution means fewer headaches and less equipment for our customers.

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